美 민주당 예비후보 7명, 12월 19일 토론회 참석 취소(영문 자막) – RNX tv

2020 Candidates Vow to Boycott Debate in Solidarity With Union Protest

All seven of the qualifying Democratic candidates recently announced their decisions to boycott the upcoming debate on Dec. 19.

The move is being done in support of Unite Here Local 11, a food service workers union, that plans to picket outside the debate’s venue, Loyola Marymount University.

Elizabeth Warren, via Twitter Bernie Sanders, via Twitter Although an agreement has yet to be reached, LMU has reportedly reached out to Sodexo, the food services and facilities management company, to “advance negotiations and solutions” with the union.

A spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee has said they are looking for an “acceptable solution” that will enable the debate to proceed as scheduled. 

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