새로운 바비 인형 특징은 백반과 대머리 (New Barbie Dolls Feature Vitiligo and Hairless Models) – 영어 자막 – RNX tv

New Barbie Dolls Feature Vitiligo and Hairless Models.

Mattel, the maker of Barbie dolls, hopes to highlight a “a multi-dimensional view of beauty and fashion” with the new dolls.

The company created the Barbie Fashionistas line in 2015 after years of drawing criticism for promoting a slim, white, domestic image.

Mattel expanded its range last year by adding a doll with a prosthetic limb and another in a wheelchair.

The line also introduced the first Barbie to wear a hijab in 2017.

The Fashionistas line now features over 170 “diverse dolls.”

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