220915 BLACKPINK, 빛나는 러블리 매력에 빠져! – RNX tv

그룹 BLACKPINK(제니, 로제, 리사, 지수)가 9월 15일 오후 인천 중구 운서동 인천국제공항을 통해 ‘파리패션위크’ 참석차 출국하고 있다. [인천=RNX뉴스] 김용덕 기자

The group BLACKPINK (Jenny, Rose, Lisa, and Jisoo) is leaving for a schedule overseas through Incheon International Airport in Unseo-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon on the afternoon of September 15.

#BLACKPINK #블랙핑크 #PinkVenom #ROSÉ #로제 #JENNIE #제니 #paris #인천국제공항 #출국 #블랙핑크 #ROSÉ #LISA #리사 #JISOO #지수 #공항패션 #YG #PreReleaseSingle

그룹 BLACKPINK(제니, 로제, 리사, 지수) [사진=RNX news]

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  1. 🦎🦟🤢🤮🤢🤢Lisa selfish just posted about herself not blackpink or them song not other members just herself selfish but when Jennie do same her fans and blink barking and saying worst things about J

  2. 🦎🦟🤢🤮🤢🤢Lisa selfish just posted about herself not blackpink or them song not other members just herself selfish but when Jennie do same her fans and blink barking and saying worst things about J

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