220927 ‘BLACKPINK’ JISOO, 파리에서 빛난다! – RNX tv

‘BLACKPINK’ 지수(JISOO)가 9월 27일 오후 (현지시간) 프랑스 파리에서 열리는 ‘파리패션위크’ 브랜드 ‘디올’ 패션쇼에 참석했다. [파리(프랑스)=김용덕 기자]

“BLACKPINK” JISOO attended the Paris Fashion Week brand “Dior” fashion show in Paris, France, on the afternoon of September 27 (local time).

#DiorSS23 #JISOO #BLACKPINK #ParisFashionWeek2022 #파리패션위크 #PARIS #블랙핑크 #BORNPINK #ShutDown #지수

‘BLACKPINK’ 지수(JISOO) [사진/영상=RNX news]

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  1. Jisoo is well loved in Paris. It's her 3rd time attending pfw in Paris for Dior and she never disappoints in greeting her fans who patiently waits for her despite the weather condition. Also, the barriers keeps on changing every pfw, they don't want to risk again so they tightened the security even more.

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