221013 BTS, ‘아미’가 기다리는 완전체 리허설 [D-2] – RNX tv

그룹 BTS(RM, 진, 제이홉, 슈가, 정국, 지민, 뷔)은 10월 13일 오후 부산아시아드주경기장에서 오는 15일 진행되는 ‘2030 ‘부산세계박람회’ 유치 기원 ‘BTS ‘Yet To Come’ in BUSAN’ 콘서트를 위해 리허설에 한창이다. [부산=RNX뉴스 김용덕 기자]

The group BTS (RM, Jin, J-Hope, Suga, Jungkook, Jimin, and V) is in the midst of rehearsals for the BTS ‘Yet To Come’ in BUSAN concert, which will be held at the Busan Asiad Main Stadium on the afternoon of October 13th.


그룹 BTS(RM, 진, 제이홉, 슈가, 정국, 지민, 뷔) [서울=RNX뉴스 김용덕 기자]

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  1. Does any Army's know when the concert will start here USA EDT?
    Happy Birthday my dear sweet Jimin,
    Hope you have a wonderful morning,
    Gog bless you, may your journey, success come true for you we love you our angel Jimin, be happy, love yourself, you are our inspiration and happiness.💖🎂🎉🥳❤️🎈❣️🍷🍷🥰

  2. 부산가서 공연 보시는 아미들 제몫까지 즐거우시길 바랍니다
    탄이들 공연에 많은 노력을 기울이는데 모두 아프지 말기를 바랍니다 밤에는 추우니 옷 따뜻하게 입으세요…

  3. I’m not going to lie, army are making it so difficult to be bts fan this past days. I wish I never bring bts/ army to my twitter page. I became a fan of them because they make me so happy but this days I feel like there is no bts army anymore. There is only individual Stans and they are attacking each other. If the fandom continue like this. I don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s frustrating.

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