Prince William and Kate Middleton Call for Action on Climate Change- RNX tv

Prince William and Kate Middleton Call for Action on Climate Change.

This week, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Pakistan’s Hindu Kush mountain range.

They witnessed how the country’s Chiatibo Glacier has been affected by global warming.

Yearly, climate change is causing the glacier to recede about 10 yards.

Dr. Furrukh Bashir of the Pakistan Meteorological Department says nearly 70 percent of glaciers in the area are retreating as well.

William and Kate also met with locals who were directly affected by melting glaciers, which caused major flooding in 2015.

William says that more education and awareness is needed regarding global climate change.

The prince has long been involved with environmental issues across the globe.

The British royal also said world leaders must have “positive talks” on tackling the problem.

In addition to the glacier, William and Kate went to Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province.

William’s mother, Princess Diana, also visited the area in the early 1990s.

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