빌리 아일리시, 곧 있을 18번째 생일에 대해 두렵다. – 영문 자막 – RNX tv

Billie Eilish Is ‘Terrified’ About Her 18th Birthday Eilish’s birthday is on December 18th.

She has some concerns that potential haters could come out of the woodwork and make their feelings known once she isn’t a child anymore.

“I am genuinely terrified to turn 18. Even though I looked forward to turning 18 my whole life, I just think people are going to be like, ‘And here is all the hate we feel.'”, Billie Eilish, to ‘Extra’

“It’s okay, though — I’m excited to turn 18.”, Billie Eilish, to ‘Extra’

Eilish recently praised her brother, Finneas, and said they have been “best friends forever.”

“Finneas is my best friend, my big brother, he’s four years older than me and we’ve been best friends forever.”, Billie Eilish, via statement

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