코로나19, 여성보다 남성이 더 취약하다? (Coronavirus Has Killed More Males Than Females Worldwide) – 영어 자막 – RNX tv

Coronavirus Has Killed More Males Than Females Worldwide.

In Italy, which has registered the most deaths, 70 percent are men.

64 percent of the fatalities in China, where the disease originated, are male.

Men also make up 54 percent of the recorded deaths in South Korea.

This comes despite South Korea saying that 61 percent of their total infections are women.

In some cases, scientists say the female immune system is better equipped to handle a viral infection, which is mainly due to the body’s respiratory tract.

Compared to women, men drink and smoke more in Italy and China.

This leads to more respiratory problems, which increase the chances of death from the coronavirus.

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