211129 A.C.E, 밝은 모습으로 돌아와 – RNX tv

A.C.E (준, 김병관, 찬)가 11월 29일 오후 인천 중구 운서동 인천국제공항을 통해 ‘온·오프라인 하이브리드 콘서트 및 팬미팅’ 을 마치고 터키에서 입국했다. [영종도(인천)=RNX뉴스] 김용덕 기자

A.C.E (Jun, Kim Byung-kwan, Chan) arrived from Turkey on the afternoon of November 29 after completing the “Online and Offline Hybrid Concert and Fan Meeting” through Incheon International Airport in Unseo-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon. [Yeong Jongdo (Incheon) = RNX News] Reporter Kim Yongduck.

#ACE #에이스 #공항패션 #입국 #터키 #팬미팅 #준 #김병관 #찬

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  1. A.C.E is the most talented group of handsome young men!!! They deserve all the success to be at the top where they belong!!! South Korea must be so proud of them!!! I live in New York City, United States and we would love A.C.E to come back here again. We miss A.C.E sooo much!!!!💯💖💙👑💜🧡💛

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